Frequently Asked Questions

Am I going to see a yield increase every year?
Ag Concepts products are a tool to be used in a system that efficiently produces healthy crops in commercial agriculture. And like any other input, increased yield is not a guaranteed result of application. If the application of Ag Concepts products reduces or changes the limiting factor for yield, or helps the crop recover from stress then a yield response may be observed. Over the past 30 years, Ag Concepts products have been used with hundreds of fertility programs, on dozens of crops, in nearly all soil textures and very often, but not every time, a yield response is observed. Ag Concepts products are simply a piece of the puzzle. Remember, profit is a factor of efficiency while yield is a factor of weather and inputs. As we increase efficiencies we can increase profits without controlling weather.On the rare occasion that Ag Concepts products do not show a yield increase, remember that these products are still driving processes that improve soil health and efficiencies. You may not always see the response in the yield monitor after a single year of application, but over time you will be building the health of your soil.

Do you have any testing data available?
Ag Concepts products have been tested with hundreds of fertility programs, on dozens of crops, in all soil textures, in wet seasons and drought, on irrigated and dry-land operations, at private research stations and universities. Scientific, reproducible research is one of the pillars Ag Concepts is built on. Go to agzymeproof.com to see some of the results.
How do we apply the product?
All Ag Concepts products are liquid and are designed to be mixed with many fertilizers and agricultural chemicals with a few exceptions. Some Ag Concepts products can even be impregnated on dry fertilizer or used as a seed treat. Check label recommendations, speak with your Ag Concepts dealer, and always perform a small scale jar test to check compatibility.
What is the difference between liquid and dry humic acid?
Ag Concepts humic acid products are in a concentrated liquid form. Some humic acid on the market is sold in a dry form. The key difference is the extraction process. Ag Concepts extracts humic acid from raw leonardite using the potassium hydroxide based SH-7 process. This process removes non-humic acid parts of the raw product like sand, clay, and other inert contaminants. Most important, the extraction process frees up binding sites that may otherwise be blocked by inert particles. This means that our humic acid increases CEC and water holding capacity immediately upon application.
Is this registered in my state?
Check with your state, dealer, or with Ag Concepts. Currently, Ag Concepts products are registered in 30 states, but not all products are registered in every state. Ag Concepts takes compliance very seriously and will not sell products in any state without proper registration.
What are the top ways farmers waste money?
Many famers simply look at yield and do consider the input side of the profit equation. In years with low commodity prices growers are focused on saving money and may overlook strategies that improve efficiencies. Years with high commodity prices may cause growers to fertilize for the once-a-decade bumper crop, again overlooking strategies for efficiencies.
What is the difference between Humid Acid and Humid?
Humic may be a catch all term for humic substances. Humic substances are compounds that are left behind after decades or centuries of microbial breakdown of plant and animal tissues in the soil. Humic substances are made up of three fractions that are classified by solubility. The first fraction, Humin, is insoluble. The second fraction, Fulvic Acid, is soluble in all pH ranges. And the third, Humic Acid, is only soluble in pH above 2. So, Humic Acid is the part of Humic (or humic substances), that are only soluble in solutions with a pH of 2 or greater.
Why are Biologicals becoming so popular?
Growers, researchers, government organizations, and other companies are finally realizing what Ag Concepts realized over 30 years ago - The chemical, physical, and biological systems of agricultural production must be treated as a whole to efficiently meet crop demands.
Why do Biologicals work different every year?
Biologicals are like any other agricultural input and are subject to the same limitation and expectations of fertilizers and chemicals. Weather, disease pressure and other stresses, as well as other inputs can cause different responses. Ag Concepts soil products will always drive soil processes, but depending on the other inputs and limiting factors they may or may not increase yield.
Why is efficiency associated with soil health?
Healthy soils are active with healthy microbial activity driving soil processes. Some of these processes are mineralization, nutrient chelation and solubility, decomposition, aggregation and disease suppression. These natural processes that occur in healthy soils must be supplemented in struggling soils. For example, reduced mineralization leads to increased need for fertilizer application and reduced disease suppression will cause the need for more fumigation and other pesticide applications. A healthy soil decreases the need for excess inputs, which increases efficiencies, and eventually profit.
Why should I care about soil health?
Soil health affects nearly all aspects of crop production, crop quality, yield, and the environment as a whole. Healthy soils require lower amounts of fertilizer and pesticides, allow better infiltration and holding of water, and produce higher quality crops more efficiently. By caring about soil health you are improving your bottom line and using the amazing resource of the soil in the most efficient matter possible.Corporate Office:
439 East Shore Drive., Suite 200
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 388-1131
439 East Shore Drive., Suite 200
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 388-1131
Manufacturing Plant:
17285 US Highway 30
Bliss, ID 83314
17285 US Highway 30
Bliss, ID 83314