Everybody knows that a major contributor to healthy and productive soil is the presence of stable soil organic matter (SOM). But, forming stable soil organic matter is a slow process that takes years because the building blocks of stable SOM are the leftovers of dead plant or animal residues that have been decomposed by soil microorganisms. Soil microorganisms are so good at decomposing residues that practically everything is consumed, leaving only tiny amounts of humus, the building blocks for stable SOM.
Humus has three fractions: insoluble humin, smaller molecules called fulvic acid, and larger molecules called humic acid. One source of humic acid is extraction from mined leonardite. So, rather than waiting for years to amass humus from the microbial decomposition of plant and animal tissue in a field, we can get the process started simply by applying humic acid. When you apply humic acid, you are quickly adding those incredibly valuable, hard to collect, building blocks for stable SOM. Combined with good nutrient cycling from active soil microorganisms, your soil gets an amazing jump-start toward building stable soil organic matter, improved structure, better health and producing the best crops possible.
Ag Concepts® SuperHume® is completely different from any other 6% humic acid on the market because of our unique and complex process of leonardite preparation, extraction, and filtration. Most humic acids use a simple potassium hydroxide extraction, which is a cheap and simple process that leads to an equally cheap and simple product. Our unique SH-7 process starts with highest humic acid containing leonardite available then through multiple preparation and filtration steps produces a nearly contaminant free product. The proprietary SH-7 process used to produce Ag Concepts® SuperHume® allows building blocks for stable SOM to be added to your field in the form of a clean, high quality humic acid.
Ag Concepts® SuperHume® also includes the highest quality kelp extract available. This kelp grows in one of the most extreme environments in the world (off the northeastern coast of North America). At high tide, freezing cold salty seawater inundates this kelp, and at low tide it is left to dry out and bake in the sun. To survive in this harsh environment, this kelp develops powerful coping mechanisms, storing over 60 major and minor nutrients, amino and organic acids, and other vigor improving materials in its tissue. By extracting and including North Atlantic kelp in our Ag Concepts® SuperHume® formulation, we are harnessing the power of these sophisticated coping mechanisms for your crop.
The synergistic results gained from combining both the highest quality humic acid together with the highest quality kelp extract provides the greatest health and yield potential in any humic acid product on the market, making the overall investment incredibly cost-effective.
Humus has three fractions: insoluble humin, smaller molecules called fulvic acid, and larger molecules called humic acid. One source of humic acid is extraction from mined leonardite. So, rather than waiting for years to amass humus from the microbial decomposition of plant and animal tissue in a field, we can get the process started simply by applying humic acid. When you apply humic acid, you are quickly adding those incredibly valuable, hard to collect, building blocks for stable SOM. Combined with good nutrient cycling from active soil microorganisms, your soil gets an amazing jump-start toward building stable soil organic matter, improved structure, better health and producing the best crops possible.
Ag Concepts® SuperHume® is completely different from any other 6% humic acid on the market because of our unique and complex process of leonardite preparation, extraction, and filtration. Most humic acids use a simple potassium hydroxide extraction, which is a cheap and simple process that leads to an equally cheap and simple product. Our unique SH-7 process starts with highest humic acid containing leonardite available then through multiple preparation and filtration steps produces a nearly contaminant free product. The proprietary SH-7 process used to produce Ag Concepts® SuperHume® allows building blocks for stable SOM to be added to your field in the form of a clean, high quality humic acid.
Ag Concepts® SuperHume® also includes the highest quality kelp extract available. This kelp grows in one of the most extreme environments in the world (off the northeastern coast of North America). At high tide, freezing cold salty seawater inundates this kelp, and at low tide it is left to dry out and bake in the sun. To survive in this harsh environment, this kelp develops powerful coping mechanisms, storing over 60 major and minor nutrients, amino and organic acids, and other vigor improving materials in its tissue. By extracting and including North Atlantic kelp in our Ag Concepts® SuperHume® formulation, we are harnessing the power of these sophisticated coping mechanisms for your crop.
The synergistic results gained from combining both the highest quality humic acid together with the highest quality kelp extract provides the greatest health and yield potential in any humic acid product on the market, making the overall investment incredibly cost-effective.
Corporate Office:
439 East Shore Drive., Suite 200
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 388-1131
439 East Shore Drive., Suite 200
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 388-1131
Manufacturing Plant:
17285 US Highway 30
Bliss, ID 83314
17285 US Highway 30
Bliss, ID 83314