Over 50 years ago, the farming industry experienced a small revolution, when N.P.K. became mainstream. Humorously, when N.P.K. first came to the market, many farmers thought it was "snake oil," but today everybody uses it and recognizes the science behind its success.
Today, the farming industry is on the verge of another revolution—only this time the science and data behind this new revolution is overwhelming. The next BIG THING in farming is the use of BioLogical products, and the savviest of all farmers are experiencing amazing results from Bio-Logicals right now. AgZyme® by Ag Concepts®, is the leading Bio-Logical soil enhancement product on the market today with more university data supporting its success than any product of its kind.
Think about your soil for a minute- just one gram of soil (about the contents of a sugar packet), contains up to four billion bacteria, one million fungi, and 300,000 algae. In other words, the soil is literally alive-but many farmers mistakenly leave the soil neglected or ignored. You see, the health of the soil holds a tremendous amount of potential for the overall quality of your crop. Here's why-the microbiology is naturally there in the soil, and plays a role in many of the processes that contribute to plant growth. Soil microbiology basically produces chemical signals to stimulate root growth and organic acids that help free up nutrients in the soil (or from fertilizer). When you add AgZyme® to your soil, it activates the microbial potential that gets nutrients into the plant.
AgZyme® increases the activity of soil micro-organisms by providing enzymes, vitamins, and cofactors necessary for metabolism. In other words, AgZyme® helps microorganisms in the soil eat. By providing the soil microbiology with the ability to eat, AgZyme® helps cells produce the chemicals that are useful and necessary for measurably better crops and better soil. And, AgZyme® allows cells to reproduce and spread out through the soil giving you a more fertile soil.
Fortunately, Ag Concepts® has eliminated this problem for you with our flagship product-AgZyme® . In fact, more university style testing has been completed on AgZyme® than any other product of its kind on the market-period! AgZyme® has actually been tested with hundreds of fertility programs, on dozens of crops, in over 30 states, on 5 continents, in all soil textures, in wet seasons and drought, and the results consistently show an increase in yield. In fact, we've published most of this testing data on our website so you can see it for yourself!
Here's how and why-nutrients are taken into the plant through a natural process involving the soil microbiology. AgZyme® helps speed up and expand that process. It's kind of like starting a campfire-you have your logs, kindling, pine needles and maybe even some paper all stacked up neatly and then you hit it with a match. Now, think of that same stack but doused with a little gasoline. Hit that stack with a match and you immediately have a roaring fire. AgZyme® is like that accelerator in the soil getting the natural process of fertilizer use going.
Remember, the soil is an environment that can be managed. If you don't properly manage your soil, then the crop can't efficiently receive the fertilizer that you're applying. AgZyme® feeds the soil and enhances the soil's ability to deliver nutrients from the fertilizer into the crop. The final result is that more of the fertilizer you invested in, actually goes into your crop. AgZyme® users enjoy higher yields while simultaneously increasing fertilizer efficiency!
For example, with AgZyme®, more nutrients are able to flow into the plant so more complex molecules are built which produce higher quality crops with higher test weights, higher relative feed value, or increased sugar content. All of these advantages have been observed in countless University and private research trials, on the farm follow up by dealers, and in comments from growers who use AgZyme®. Again, we've posted these tests on our website.
Active soil microbiology is a key ingredient in building higher quality soils with good structure, especially in the long term. This process really shines over consecutive seasons, and the results are worth the wait. Think about it-when your soil has improved aggregation and soil structure, it leads to better water retention and better water use efficiency giving you a mellow, healthy soil, which ultimately means-decreased compaction, less clodding, and easier digging for root crops. Just imagine the cost savings on your fields with these results.
Our customers have achieved these kinds of superior results on all types of crops including: corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, sugar beets, potatoes, onions, and almost everything you can think of. It really is a bio-logical revolution.
Today, the farming industry is on the verge of another revolution—only this time the science and data behind this new revolution is overwhelming. The next BIG THING in farming is the use of BioLogical products, and the savviest of all farmers are experiencing amazing results from Bio-Logicals right now. AgZyme® by Ag Concepts®, is the leading Bio-Logical soil enhancement product on the market today with more university data supporting its success than any product of its kind.
The Science Behind AgZyme® —Once You Understand It, You'll Use It-Guaranteed
Think about your soil for a minute- just one gram of soil (about the contents of a sugar packet), contains up to four billion bacteria, one million fungi, and 300,000 algae. In other words, the soil is literally alive-but many farmers mistakenly leave the soil neglected or ignored. You see, the health of the soil holds a tremendous amount of potential for the overall quality of your crop. Here's why-the microbiology is naturally there in the soil, and plays a role in many of the processes that contribute to plant growth. Soil microbiology basically produces chemical signals to stimulate root growth and organic acids that help free up nutrients in the soil (or from fertilizer). When you add AgZyme® to your soil, it activates the microbial potential that gets nutrients into the plant.
AgZyme® increases the activity of soil micro-organisms by providing enzymes, vitamins, and cofactors necessary for metabolism. In other words, AgZyme® helps microorganisms in the soil eat. By providing the soil microbiology with the ability to eat, AgZyme® helps cells produce the chemicals that are useful and necessary for measurably better crops and better soil. And, AgZyme® allows cells to reproduce and spread out through the soil giving you a more fertile soil.
Increasing Yield (With the Data to Prove It)
You know that the easiest way to make more money each season is to simply increase the yield you get from your crop. And, as you also know, it seems like every company and every product claims to be able to increase your yield and bring you an unbelievable harvest. The problem is that most products simply don't work, and it's too costly and troublesome to test every new product for yourself to ensure that you are not getting ripped off with some new "snake oil" product, right?Fortunately, Ag Concepts® has eliminated this problem for you with our flagship product-AgZyme® . In fact, more university style testing has been completed on AgZyme® than any other product of its kind on the market-period! AgZyme® has actually been tested with hundreds of fertility programs, on dozens of crops, in over 30 states, on 5 continents, in all soil textures, in wet seasons and drought, and the results consistently show an increase in yield. In fact, we've published most of this testing data on our website so you can see it for yourself!
Increased Fertilizer Utilization—Stop Wasting Money with Ever-Increasing Fertilizer Costs
Everybody knows that one of the greatest input costs you have is your fertility. However, one simple mistake that farmers often make is this-they neglect to ensure that their fertilizer is actually being utilized by their crop. This is where AgZyme® has a proven track record of significantly increasing our customer's return on investment.Here's how and why-nutrients are taken into the plant through a natural process involving the soil microbiology. AgZyme® helps speed up and expand that process. It's kind of like starting a campfire-you have your logs, kindling, pine needles and maybe even some paper all stacked up neatly and then you hit it with a match. Now, think of that same stack but doused with a little gasoline. Hit that stack with a match and you immediately have a roaring fire. AgZyme® is like that accelerator in the soil getting the natural process of fertilizer use going.
Remember, the soil is an environment that can be managed. If you don't properly manage your soil, then the crop can't efficiently receive the fertilizer that you're applying. AgZyme® feeds the soil and enhances the soil's ability to deliver nutrients from the fertilizer into the crop. The final result is that more of the fertilizer you invested in, actually goes into your crop. AgZyme® users enjoy higher yields while simultaneously increasing fertilizer efficiency!
Increased Soil and Crop Quality
When you use AgZyme®, you get many more benefits that go beyond yield. You see, taking the time and making the investment to manage the soil environment can lead to the best soil and best crops you have ever produced.For example, with AgZyme®, more nutrients are able to flow into the plant so more complex molecules are built which produce higher quality crops with higher test weights, higher relative feed value, or increased sugar content. All of these advantages have been observed in countless University and private research trials, on the farm follow up by dealers, and in comments from growers who use AgZyme®. Again, we've posted these tests on our website.
Active soil microbiology is a key ingredient in building higher quality soils with good structure, especially in the long term. This process really shines over consecutive seasons, and the results are worth the wait. Think about it-when your soil has improved aggregation and soil structure, it leads to better water retention and better water use efficiency giving you a mellow, healthy soil, which ultimately means-decreased compaction, less clodding, and easier digging for root crops. Just imagine the cost savings on your fields with these results.
Our customers have achieved these kinds of superior results on all types of crops including: corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, sugar beets, potatoes, onions, and almost everything you can think of. It really is a bio-logical revolution.
Corporate Office:
439 East Shore Drive., Suite 200
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 388-1131
439 East Shore Drive., Suite 200
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 388-1131
Manufacturing Plant:
17285 US Highway 30
Bliss, ID 83314
17285 US Highway 30
Bliss, ID 83314