Available nutrients are crucial to a plant while it is fruiting or recovering from stress. Unfortunately, by this time, the fertilizer you applied early in the season has been used up, tied up, or leached off and the soil is depleted. These are the exact times that your crop needs Enhance. Enhance is a highly effective way to quickly deliver essential nutrients that are immediately taken directly into the plant through the cell wall.
Enhance is a scientifically designed foliar fertilizer meaning that the form and amount of each ingredient has been specifically developed to provide the greatest response when used at the proper time. For most crops, the best application time is when the plant is recovering from stress or when the plant is leaving the vegetative state and entering the reproductive state. By providing the proper form of vital nutrients at these critical times Enhance provides the greatest possibility for yield increase.
We’ve all seen athletes eat an energy bar before a run or drink a protein shake after training. These athletes know that they need to provide their body with proper nutrients at the proper time to reach their highest performance. Your crop is the same—it needs the proper nutrients at the proper time to reach its greatest yield potential. Enhance is the “energy bar” for your crop.
Enhance is a scientifically designed foliar fertilizer meaning that the form and amount of each ingredient has been specifically developed to provide the greatest response when used at the proper time. For most crops, the best application time is when the plant is recovering from stress or when the plant is leaving the vegetative state and entering the reproductive state. By providing the proper form of vital nutrients at these critical times Enhance provides the greatest possibility for yield increase.
We’ve all seen athletes eat an energy bar before a run or drink a protein shake after training. These athletes know that they need to provide their body with proper nutrients at the proper time to reach their highest performance. Your crop is the same—it needs the proper nutrients at the proper time to reach its greatest yield potential. Enhance is the “energy bar” for your crop.
Corporate Office:
439 East Shore Drive., Suite 200
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 388-1131
439 East Shore Drive., Suite 200
Eagle, ID 83616
(208) 388-1131
Manufacturing Plant:
17285 US Highway 30
Bliss, ID 83314
17285 US Highway 30
Bliss, ID 83314